Missoula Music Teachers Association
Teacher Continuing Education Fund
The purpose of this grant is to assist teachers in their endeavors to continue their education through attending workshops, conferences, and other educational events. An application is available from the MMTA Treasurer. Submit to the TCEF Committee. There is no deadline.
University of Montana Summer Music Camps Scholarships
This award provides financial assistance for students planning to attend one of the U of M Summer Music Camps. Award amount is determined each year by the Executive Board based on the number of applicants, financial need, and funds. Teachers may nominate their students who are planning on attending a camp by contacting the Executive Board. Only students of MMTA members are eligible.
Chopin Award
This gift is presented yearly to a high school pianist from each high school who has participated in accompanying and performing in school ensembles. Students are nominated by the school music directors, with a maximum of one award per school. Only students of MMTA members are eligible.
UM Foundation Scholarship
A scholarship of $600 is awarded each year from our UM Foundation Fund, to a Music or Music Education Major at the U of M, who formerly studied with a teacher who belonged to the MMTA. Selection is by the UM Scholarship Committee appointed by the Chair of the School of Music, as overseen by the Dean of the College of Visual and Performing Arts.