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The Missoula Music Teachers Association (MMTA) consists of private music teachers from Missoula and the surrounding areas who are dedicated to the advancement of music education. Our membership includes piano, instrumental and voice teachers who strive to maintain the highest standards of teaching and performance. MMTA is fully affiliated with the Montana State Music Teachers Association and the Music Teachers National Association. We aim to promote the growth and professional development of our members by providing programs that encourage and support teaching and performance and to provide support to qualifying students of our members in the form of scholarships and performance opportunities at the local, state and national levels.

Become a member

Independent Teachers of any instrument who wish to have the advantages of MMTA membership for their own professional growth and for the opportunities afforded their students through their association with MMTA are invited to go to for additional information. There one will find a link to "How To Join". We also encourage you to contact our local membership chair, Karen Woodgerd, (406) 251-2767 for further information. If you are a member of MSMTA (Montana) and MTNA (National), you are invited to join your local organization.

MMTA Executive Board

© 2019 Missoula Music Teachers Association

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